Why “Aporia”
apo·ria | \ ə-ˈpȯr-ē-ə
A state of aporia is one of uncertainty. It can occur when you at one point believed you had something all figured out, but then realized other opposing sides or loopholes that make it not so clear anymore.
It allows you to discover discrepancies in your current ways of seeing yourself and the world.
Sometimes we discover thoughts and beliefs that are not serving us, but only limiting our capacity to fully show up and be in this life.
It invites you to lean into the uncertainty and open up to limitless possibilities.
This state can be a catalyst for you to look deeper within yourself to find the answers to your questions and become more aligned to your own path allowing your intuition to guide the way.
This letting go of the certainty our minds try so desperately to hold onto allows you to experience the beauty in the mystery of your very existence and how you really are so much more than who you may have been programmed to be.